
Message from Association President – Sarita Lunani (2012-2013)

Dear Inner Wheel friends, Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom’ – Marcel Proust No organization can function without its Members knowing enough details about the organization, its objectives, aims, goals, duties and responsibilities. The District Directory serves this purpose and also acts as a bridge to get Members to know each other well through the information provided.
Friends, a new Inner Wheel year is unfoldling like a blossom with petals tightly concealing the beauty within. As we make our resolutions for the year ahead, let us, ‘Pave the way…’ by being innovatie, by doing something different and ‘Blossom’ with ‘Synergy’ to work together to realize our goals. ‘Set your Goals high and don’t stop till you get there…’. Every Member lubiricates the Wheel of Service. You are the hub. Let the wheel start rolling.
Our beloved IIW President, Carole Young from New Zeland, has this year given us a wonderful theme. She has asked us to, ‘Be a Friend’. So simple, yet, so meaningful!! She wants to share our joys and our sorrows too. We al need a shoulder to cry on sometimes in life. I only hope that you have enough friends, that you will have a shoulder to cry on, when the time comes. People will forget what you said.. people will forget what you did….but people will never forgive how you make them feel. I am confident that with your dedication and devotion, with your leadership and enthusiasm, with your ideas and your dreams, we will succeed in navigating our IW ship safely through every storm and reach the shores of success. I urge you my friends to re-dedicate yourself once again. I know, we cannot climb the mountain quickly, we must go slowly, but climb we must. I know it is a difficult task but certainly not impossible. We all know the journey of a thousand miles began with a single step and it is always better to light a candle than to curse darkness. We will go ahead, my friends… Winston Churchill has rightly said, “Never, Never, Never, Never Ever Give UP”.

’All Women must have each other’s Backs’

So She felicitated many other women achievers eg Laxmi-Acid attack survivor who runs CHHANV NGO now & Babita Kumari Phogat (International gold medal winner- Dangal fame), Former Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar, Bollywood actress Suchitra Pillai, Smt Bharti Singh( BJP Leader & wife of Central minister VK Singh), Meenakshi Lekhi(MP, Supreme Court Lawyer, BJP Spokesperson), Rakhee Gupta Bhandari, IAS , Minister Debashree Chaudhary etc.

Next year, As promotion Committee Chairperson, 2017-18, she ensured proper coverage of Inner Wheel District 301 activities wide electronic & print media, launched Inner Wheel Youtube Promo & Inner Wheel frame. As Inner Wheel District 301 Editor, 2018-19, she introduced many new columns in Distt E-Newsletter ORBIT, arranged discounts for Inner Wheel members by well established brands , introduced one new club Umang, compiled club Editors profile for the first time. As Inner Wheel District 301 ISO, 2019-20, she initiated E-Flag Exchange. She was the first one to conduct ‘Membership Growth Seminar’ as per vision of Association President; Won awards at National Event heldat Udaipur & launched Live website/app to view all ISO Activities of nearly 75 clubsunder one roof. As Inner Wheel District 301 Treasurer, 2020-21, she released ‘BOOKLET FOR TREASURERS’ clarifying & answering many doubts of Club Treasurers with active support of her seniors & also compiled ‘Members Details Directory’ for IWD 301 for the FIRST TIME. As Inner Wheel District 301 Secretary, 2020-21, she introduced APP for Club Secretaries EFFURSEC to make their work easier & more efficient. She has attended many Inner Wheel events till now outside Inner Wheel District 301 — South Asia Rally at Malaysia 2016-17, • 17th IIW Convention at Melbourne, 2017-18, 18th Virtual IIW Convention 2020-21 • Multi-District Rally at Puri, 2016-17 and Amritsar 2018-19 • Installation Ceremonies of Association Presidents 2017-18, 2018-19 & 2019-20, 2020-21, 2022-23 • 15th Triennial Conference at Pune 2018-19, 16th, Varanasi 2021-22 & did duty of ‘Teller’ • North Zone Meet at Agra 2017-18 & Jammu 2019-20 & at Lucknow 2022-23 • National Event at Udaipur 2019-20 • She is admin of IW Members worldwide & IW Friends on Facebook. •She Received many Awards outside Inner Wheel District 301 also: • Exceptional Women of Excellence by Women Economic Forum • Delhi Ratan by All India Conference of Intellectuals • Nari Gaurav Samman by Rajasthani Academy • Dr. Sarojini Naidu(The Nightingale of India) International Award ‘September 2021, for Working Women by Asian Academy of Arts in Association with International Women’s Film Forum. • Most reputed certificate of excellence ‘2018 woman of the year’ DIONISIO United Award, New York, States • HONDA Superstar Award for Excellence, • Award for Social work by NGO Social Umbrella, • Award for Social Work by Lions Club, • Award 4 Peace’ by Munni Irone, Hollywood Celebrity Coach, • Award for Work by NGO Deepanjan Trust, • Award by Anchor Media Group. She has done many modalities of healing also…namely Reiki, Angelic, Crystal, Oracle Card Reading, Lama Phera & numerology. She’s appeared on DD News, Aaj Tak, CNBC, Zee News Regional, MH-1, India News, JK news, Total News, Media Conference with Lal Goel and Chardikala etc, many Youtube channels & printmedia also. Her philosophy of life is… ‘It is never between me & you, It is between me & HIM’